Ratios & group sizes

We run at all the ratios per Minnesota guidelines. Please visit our classroom pages for specific ratios.

Classroom Ages of Children Max Group Size Teacher-Child Ratio
Seedlings 6 weeks to 16 months 8 children 1:4
Buds 12 to 24 months 8 children 1:4
Sprouts 16 to 33 months 14 children 1:7
Blossoms 33 months to 5 years 20 children 1:10
Roses 33 months to 5 years 20 children 1:10

Security doors

Entrance doors require security codes that are rotated periodically.

Visitor policy

We welcome family visitors at any time! We encourage families to stop by to breastfeed, share a meal, read a story, or even play. Unknown persons will be escorted by a staff member, have ID confirmed or will be asked to leave. 


Rosebuds Early Learning Center has a video surveillance system installed in each classroom and hallways throughout the building. Parental consent is obtained within the enrollment paperwork prior to enrolling the child in the program. Staff persons are prohibited from posting content of children in care or enrolled families on their personal social media account or public platform, including photos, videos, or personal identifying information of the children. Rosebuds Early Learning Center reserves the right to legally share photos and video footage with law enforcement, the health consultant, parent aware and the MN department of Human Services (DHS) when a formal investigation warrants the need for such photos or video footage without parental consent.

Illness exclusion policy

Our main priority at Rosebuds is providing a healthy, safe learning environment for all children. Children/employees will be sent home as soon as possible if any of the following is experienced:

    • A reportable illness or condition as specified in https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/4605.7040/ that the commissioner of health determines to be contagious, and a physician determines has not had sufficient treatment to reduce the health risk to others;
    • with chicken pox until the child is no longer infectious or until the lesions are crusted over.
    • who has vomited two or more times since admission that day
    • who has had three or more abnormally loose stools since admission that day.
    • who has contagious conjunctivitis or pus draining from the eye.
    • who has a bacterial infection such as streptococcal pharyngitis or impetigo and has not completed 24 hours of antimicrobial therapy.
    • who has unexplained lethargy.
    • who has lice, ringworm, or scabies that are untreated and contagious to others.
    • who has a 100.0-degree Fahrenheit axillary or higher temperature of undiagnosed origin before fever reducing medication is given.
    • who has an undiagnosed rash or a rash attributable to a contagious illness or condition.
    • who has significant respiratory distress.
    • who is not able to participate in childcare program activities with reasonable comfort; or
    • who requires more care than the program Employee can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children in care.
    • who has hand foot and mouth disease and sores have not dried and crusted.
  • A child who becomes ill while at Rosebuds must be removed from the classroom OR placed on the hard floor in their own space to limit exposure of other children to communicable disease. 

Cleaning practices

    • Toys, equipment, and surfaces in each classroom and common areas will be cleaned and sanitized regularly as needed. Soiled items children chew on will be placed in a bin immediately after being soiled or put into a child’s mouth (baby items). Toys will be run through the sanitizer, or dishwasher that has a sanitizing cycle. Toys played with by older children will be sanitized as they become soiled or earlier if employees feel it is necessary due to illness, older children who are still placing items in their mouths.
    • Cots will be used by one child only and will be sanitized between uses for different children. Cots will be sprayed weekly with disinfectant. Nap items will be stored in a plastic bag and placed between the cots. Nap items will not be stored in cubbies or where they can touch another child’s items. Crib sheets and blankets/sleep sacks will be used for one child only. Crib mattresses will be sanitized between uses for different children and sprayed weekly with disinfectant. Cribs should also be inspected at this time for loose parts so that they can be fixed immediately.
    • Tables will be cleaned and sanitized using a 3-step method before and after meals, and as needed throughout the day. Larger equipment will be cleaned and sanitized by hand as needed. The following steps are to be followed for cleaning and sanitizing (the “3-step method”):
      • Wash the surface or article vigorously with warm water and soap.
      • Rinse the surface with clean water.
      • Submerge, wipe, or spray the surface or the article with a sanitizing solution.
      • Let the article or surface air dry.

Food & nutrition

    • Rosebuds Early Learning Center offers breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all children. All meals will be healthy and nutritious. A monthly menu will be posted and is also available upon request. Rosebuds prepares and serves morning and afternoon snacks. Our lunches are currently catered by Tinucci’s. Parents or guardians may choose to send meals or snacks if foods are nutritious, allergen free and ready to eat. This means that items do not need to be prepared or heated. Food receptacles will be washed or rinsed and will need to be taken home daily.

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